Indie Bookstore Bound

Tomorrow is Indie Bookstore Day!!!!

I have this dream that one day I will own my own cute indie bookstore with a cozy coffee shop. My favorite thing to do is go to an independently owned bookstore, bonus points if it has a coffee shop. Nothing makes me happier than walking around and getting lost in the books on the shelves searching for the next book to add to my TBR shelf in my library (that’s what I call my front room with some Ikea Billy Bookcases. You thought I was super fancy there for a minute didn’t you!?). Do I own too many books I haven’t read yet? Yes, yes I do. Am I diligently working on reading them as I continue to bring more books in? Yes, yes I am.

I’ve thought about going back to school to become a library technician. It seems like a logical step toward owning a bookstore. But between two young children, a young puppy, a husband who works a crazy schedule, and working part time as an office administrator I just don’t have the mental space to go back to school right now. So in the meantime I am going to start blogging about the books I read.

Tomorrow we are going to be supporting a local indie bookstore to celebrate! If you want to join in on #indiebookstoreday or any other day, here is a link to find an indie bookstore near you! Maybe someday my bookstore will be on that list.